
李喜根 博士,北京外国语大学yl12311线路检测(中国)有限公司冠名讲席教授,上海大学新闻传播学院特聘教授,曾任香港城市大学媒体与传播系主任、教授。自1999年起,从事传播学理论和传播学定量研究方法教学20余年。在国际传播学期刊发表英文论文35篇,包括国际主流新闻与传播学学刊《传播学学刊》(Journal of Communication)《新闻与大众传播季刊》(Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly)、《计算机传导传播学刊》(Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication) 、《新媒体与社会》(New Media and Society) 等。著有《新兴媒体使用与活力》(Emerging Media: Uses and Dynamics)





1. 国家社会科学基金重点项目 (2020)传播视域下香港澳门民众国家意识和爱国精神研究,负责人,350,000元, 批准号:20AZD097

2. General Research Fund, University Grant Council, Hong Kong, (2014), Media Exposure and Protective Behaviour during a Public-Health Emergency, 2015-2017, Principal Investigator, HK$541,232, Grant No: 11405914

3. Freedom Forum Media Studies Center Fellowship, Gannet Foundation (1992-93)


1. Top Faculty Paper Award, Second Place (最佳论文二等奖)2022, Mass Communication and Society Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Association

2. Top Faculty Paper Award (最佳论文奖)2016, Mass Communication Division, International Communication Association

3. Top Faculty Paper Award (最佳论文奖)2001, Newspaper Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication

4. Markham Paper Competition, First Place (论文竞赛第一名)1998 , International Communication Division, Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication


1. Li, X. (2016). Emerging media: Uses and dynamics. New York: Routledge. 330 pages. https://www.routledge.com/Emerging-Media-Uses-and-Dynamics/Li/p/book/9781138940703

2. Li, X. (Ed.). (2006). Internet newspapers: The making of a mainstream medium. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 320 pages. https://www.routledge.com/Internet-Newspapers-The-Making-of-a-Mainstream-Medium/Li/p/book/97808058541763



1. Tu, C. & Li, X. (2022). Social Support and Reputational Defense Strategies of Chinese Social Networking Site Users in Sun Yang’s Controversy, Public Relations Review, 48(2), 102181. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2022.102181. (SSCI journal)

2. Liu, X., Lo, V., Wei, R. Li, X. Pang, S. & Zhang, R. (2021), Media Exposure and Third-person Perception: The Mediating Role of Social Realism and Proxy Efficacy, International Journal of Communication, 15, 4338–4359. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/16359/3570. (SSCI journal)

3. Liu, Y. & Li, X. (2021). Pro-environmental behavior predicted by media exposure, SNS involvement and cognitive and normative factors, Environmental Communication, 15(7), 954-968. https://doi.org/10.1080/17524032.2021.1922479. (SSCI journal)

4. Liu, Y., Li, X. Liang, Z. & Wu, X. (2021). Media exposure, perceived efficacy and personal experience as predictors of personal and social risk perceptions of mishandled vaccine in China. Asian Journal of Communication, 31(2), 105-123. https://doi.org/10.1080/01292986.2021.1888305. (SSCI journal)

5. Su, L. & Li, X. (2021). Perceived Agenda-Setting Effects in International Context: Media’s Impacts on American Audience’s Perception toward China, International Communication Gazette, 83(7), 708–729. https://doi.org/10.1177/1748048520984029. (SSCI journal)

6. Li, X., Liang, Z. & Wu, X. (2020). Source Interests, News Frames, and Risk Delineation¾A Content Analysis of U.S. Newspapers’ Coverage of Genetically Modified Food (19942015), International Journal of Communication, 14, 3633–3654. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/12303 (SSCI journal).

7. Li, X. & Cao, B. (2019). Media variants, situation awareness and protective public-health behaviors, Chinese Journal of Communication, 12(4), 467-483. https://doi.org/10.1080/17544750.2019.1608277. (SSCI journal)

8. Gong, W. & Li, X. (2018). Microblogging reactions to celebrity endorsement: Effects of parasocial relationship and source factors, Chinese Journal of Communication, 12(2), 187-205. https://doi.org/10.1080/17544750.2018.1511607. (SSCI journal)

9. Li, X. (2018). Media exposure, perceived efficacy and protective behaviors during a public health emergency, International Journal of Communication, 12, 2641–2660. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/8118/2384. (SSCI journal)

10. Wu, X. & Li, X. (2017). Effects of mass media exposure and SNS involvement on risk perception of and precautionary behavior toward haze issue in China, International Journal of Communication, 11, 3975–3997. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/6529. (SSCI journal)

11. Gong, W. & Li, X. (2017). Engaging fans on microblog: The synthetic influence of parasocial interaction and source characteristics on celebrity endorsement, Psychology & Marketing, 34(7), 720-732. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.21018. (SSCI journal)

12. Zeng, L., Zhou, L., & Li, X. (2015). Framing strategies at different stages of a crisis: Coverage of the ‘July 5th’ urumqi event by Xinhua, Reuters, and AP. International Communication Gazette, 77(1), 51-73. https://doi.org/10.1177/1748048514556979. (SSCI journal)

13. Li, X. (2014). Time span of news coverage as an antecedent of perceptual and behavioral components of third-person effect. Asian Journal of Communication, 25(2) 115-134. https://doi.org/10.1080/01292986.2014.946066. (SSCI journal)

14. Li, X. (2014). Perceived channel efficiency and motivation and orientation of information seeking as predictors of media dependency. Telematics & Informatics, 31(4), 628-639. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2013.11.009. (SSCI journal)

15. Li, X. (2013). Innovativeness, personal initiative, news affinity and news utility as predictors of the use of mobile phones as news devices. Chinese Journal of Communication, 6(3), 350-373. https://doi.org/10.1080/17544750.2013.789429. (SSCI journal)

16. Li, X., & Liu, X. (2012). Selective exposure, extended exposure and side-tracked exposure: A model of media exposure on the Internet and the consequential effects. Annals of the International Communication Association, 37(1), 323-347. https://doi.org/10.1080/23808985.2013.11679154. (SCOPUS journal)

17. Li, X., & Zeng, L. (2011). Technology attributes, perceived value of information, and social utility: Predicting podcast adoption and use. Southwestern Mass Communication Journal, 27(1), 69-83.

18. Li, X. (2011). Factors influencing the willingness to contribute information to online communities. New Media & Society, 13(2), 279-296. https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444810372164. (SSCI journal)

19. Li, X., & Liu, X. (2010). Framing and coverage of same-sex marriage in U.S. Newspapers. Howard Journal of Communications, 21(1), 72-91. https://doi.org/10.1080/10646170903501161. (SCOPUS journal)

20. Li, X., & Nergadze, N. (2009). Deterrence effect of four legal and extralegal factors on online copyright infringement. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 14(2), 307-327. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1083-6101.2009.01442.x. (SSCI journal)

21. Li, X. (2008). Third-person effect, optimistic bias, and sufficiency resource in Internet use. Journal of Communication, 58(3), 568-587. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1460-2466.2008.00400.x. (SSCI journal)

22. Li, X. (2007). Stages of a crisis and media frames and functions: U.S. Television coverage of the 9/11 incident during the first 24 hours. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 51(4), 670-687. https://doi.org/10.1080/08838150701626578. (SSCI journal)

23. Li, X. (1998). Web page design and graphic use of three U.S. Newspapers. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 75(2), 353-365. https://doi.org/10.1177/107769909807500210. (SSCI journal)

24. Li, X., & St. Cyr, C. (1998). Human rights in China: A pawn of a political agenda? Gazette: International Journal for Communication Studies, 60(6), 531-547. https://doi.org/10.1177/0016549298060006005. (SSCI journal)


1. 李喜根、张一木、于晓萌,国际冲突中的舆论较量:理论、路径、策略,《对外传播》,2022年第5期,64-67

2. 李喜根、张霁雯、张静,探索数字新闻理论发展与创新路径《全球传媒学刊》2021年第5 56-79

3. 李喜根,网络时代媒体影响力:媒体效果研究视角《全球传媒学刊》2020年第4146-162

4. 李喜根、张一木,国际突发公共卫生事件的报道原则《对外传播》2020年第3期,72-74页。《新华文摘》2020年第13期论点摘编

5. 李喜根,用媒体效果理论审视建设性新闻,《新闻与传播研究》, 2019年增刊,120-128

6. 龚婉琪、李喜根,微博红人广告行为的预期背离及其影响——基于预期违背理论框架的广告效果研究《新媒体与社会》2018年,第21辑,123-135

7. 龚婉琪、李喜根,做有国际影响的国际舆论研究《对外传播》2018年第4期,29-32

8. 李喜根,媒体发展态势与新闻传播教育改革《全球传媒学刊》2017年第4期, 40-52

9. 柳旭东、李喜根、刘洋,互联网传播环境下的选择性接触与偏轨接触《学海》2017年第2期,123-129

10. 李喜根,以社会科学方法研究国际传播效果《对外传播》2017年第1期,44-47

11. 闫婧、李喜根健康传播研究的理论关照、模型构建与创新要素《国际新闻界》2015年第11, 6-20

12. 李喜根、刘洋,国际新闻报道研究的理论框架与视角《新闻记者》2013年第930-35

13. 刘洋、李喜根,新媒体传播研究与知识增量,《国际新闻界》2012年第8, 72-78

14. 李喜根,新闻与传播学理论以及新闻与传播学科学研究《新闻与传播研究》2009年第1期,19-24

15. 李喜根,我国新闻与传播学研究国际化的途径,《中国传媒报告》,2008年第4期,57-64

16. 李喜根,美国式的研究才是高质量研究?《国际新闻界》20067月号, 45-49

17. 李喜根,安娜 · 科什拉维,网络使用收益和风险模式初探,《新闻大学》, 2005年第2期, 7277

联系方式E-mail: lixigen@bfsu.edu.cn

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